Section: Dissemination

Other dissemination activities

As founder, president and now vice-president of the Free Software thematic group of the Systematic competitiveness cluster (also known as GTLL), Roberto Di Cosmo has had a major role in fostering the emergence of 21 collaborative R&D projects, for a budget over 50 MEUR, which bring together researchers from most of the universities and research centers in the Paris area, and industries ranging from SMEs to large corporations (see http://www.gt-logiciel-libre.org/projets/ for more informations on the active projects).

Roberto Di Cosmo organized the “Education with and to FOSS” track of the Fossa 2011 conference (Lyon, November).

Xavier Leroy gave a popular science talk on critical embedded software at the Demi-heure de science seminar of INRIA Rocquencourt (november).

Alexandre Pilkiewicz gave a popular science talk on verified compilation at the junior seminar of INRIA Rocquencourt (september).

Valentin Robert gave a tutorial on functional programming in Haskell at the Open World Forum (Paris, September).